Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Nature Issue

In March, our thoughts turn to Spring and we look for signs of it everywhere.  This month’s post is about the flora and fauna of Thornbush in March.
Such as Turtles

First, though, I need to document a great trip to Olympia for my niece’s baby shower.  We stopped at Nisqually Nature Reserve and saw baby great horned owls plus a lot of other wildlife.
And Mergansers
On the way home, I stopped in to wish Corbin a happy first birthday. 
Ethel helps Corbin unwrap--what could it be?

Spring time walk up Mt Young where Madronnas flourish.   

Madronnas on Mt Young
This crossbill is recovering from slamming into the window
Ahh, red flowering currant.  Can the hummingbirds be far behind?
Soopolallie - Shepherdia canadensis
Now that you've stayed until the end, I will tell you the bad news.  Fourteen chickens killed by a mink on St Patrick's Day. Mink massacres in the past have also occurred in March.  Is it because the stream is so high now that they come up from False Bay?  We still have eleven barred rock in the compost yard, but all the beautiful garden chickens are gone.  We won't be getting more chicks for awhile.
Eagle on the snag
Another vociferous sign of Spring, the eagle sitting on the snag just above her nest.  And it wouldn't be March without the Skunk Cabbage on the stream.  I think we can safely say that Spring has arrived. Next month--avalanche lillies!
Skunk Cabbage


Unknown said...

Lovely signs of spring here too! Our wintering over hummingbird has found some other food besides our feeder; bulbs are up and blooming in the past few days; warmer nights and longer days. All very welcome. Also the grass is growing like crazy and will have to use the new mower to do the first mow of the season.
Sorry about the chicks...those pesky mink!

Unknown said...

Somehow this always happens...the comment above was mine...


Unknown said...

Somehow this always happens...the comment above was mine...


Unknown said...

Somehow this always happens...the comment above was mine...
