Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It's a Blizzard!

Christmas 2011

Bjorn's family joined us for the Christmas weekend.  It was a wild and fun time as holiday weekends are meant to be.  Roger's dad Al and brother Eric as well as my sister Rosalie and her husband Tom joined us for Christmas dinner.  Next year, we will be enjoying the company of our new grandson as well.  He'll be nine months old and ready to tear into that wrapping paper.

The following weekend we hosted our long time friends from Seattle for a New Year's celebration.  As usual, we had plenty of great food and conviviality. 
Then, at the first Grange meeting of the new year, Roger was elected Master in what might be considered a landslide.  He has been busy creating committees and taking stock of building maintenance needs ever since.  Being elected Master means that many people believe in his leadership abilities.  He is very committed to proving his constituents correct.  2012 is setting up to be a noteworthy year.

Every January I join my friend Liz, sister Jeannette and other friends for Spa Day at the Olympus Spa in Lynnwood.  This is a tradition that goes back more than ten years.

The following week, I spilled hot tea on my HP Laptop and ZAP! no more computer.  A week and several hundreds of dollars later, you are now witnessing my first blog on my new Acer laptop.  Thanks goodness for Rockisland support and their ability to save all my files, pictures, contacts.  Let this be a lesson to all of us about backing up our files and not drinking tea around valuable electronic equipment.

This week it is all about the weather.  After teasing us for several days with light little flurries, the weather gods gave us a bit of a blizzard this morning.  Temperatures in the mid- twenties (stop smirking, Linda)  I must have passed some sort of threshold nearing the fourth anniversary of my retirement from Metro, because I'm not even interested in following the news about how many artics are jack-knifed all around Seattle.

view from bathroom of 2008 snowfall

Yes, it has been four years since my retirement from Metro.  Four years full of craft, home-improvement, socializing, communing with nature, doting on my dog.  I'm living the life I've dreamed about for over thirty years.  Wouldn't trade it for nothin'.