Saturday, November 22, 2008

November 2008

Last night (Nov 21) I dreamed I was driving The Route 2 Trolley Route. It is not unusual for me to be dreaming about driving a bus even though I haven't driven one in service for twenty-two years. What was unusual was that it was a trolley (an electric bus not a streetcar) and that I could experience the feel of the steering wheel which acts quite differently from a diesel bus.

I remember feeling very smug as I negotiated the turnaround down at the Madrona terminal at Lake Washington in one smooth pass as I paid attention to the overhead wire. But at one point, I overshot and my bus climbed the sidewalk. (this wouldn't have happened at the Lake Washington terminal, but hey, this was a dream). What was interesting was that I could feel the sidewalk underneath the wheels--pretty specific for a bus dream.

Meanwhile Roger told me that he, too, had a bus dream last night. That's not as exciting because it's only been twelve years since he drove for Metro. However, his dream was about pulling in, but just missing the head of the zone and feeling the brakes, the bus, the road as he pushed down hard to reach his mark. Also very specific physical sensations for a bus dream.

My usual bus dream is about wildly careening down a dark street where my bus has no business being. Sometimes steering from the back of the bus. Perhaps you other current and past busdrivers reading this blog could comment on this with your own experiences of bus dreams. Check out for more trolley pictures.

Also in November I had my first reflexology treatment. How wonderful! Reflexology is based on the principle that certain parts of the body reflect the whole. Reflex points, which relate to all parts of the body, can be found in the feet, hands and ears. These points respond to pressure, stimulating the body's own natural healing process. The body starts progressively clearing blockages, re-establishing energy flows and balancing itself, resulting in better health.

I came back home and asked Roger for a series of treatments for my Christmas gift.

After a nice Thanksgiving at Roger's folks' house in Auburn, we ventured out to do something I used to avoid like the Black Plague--shopping on Black Friday. I purchased a new digital camera to replace the one I lost on my vacation in September. So expect more images soon. For Roger's birthday, we bought a new Food Saver system! Keeps food fresh up to 5X longer. How exciting! We also contributed to the economy by purchasing shoes at REI and ordering a new pair of glasses for me. We've done our part by shopping, Mr. Bush.


Robin said...

Congrats on getting started! Your header photo is totally lovely and already you have three followers. Bus dream reminds me how neat it is to remember dreams in such vivid detail, as in feeling the sidewalk under the wheels.

Linda said...

I can relate to your bus dreams. I have fire department dreams all the time, even though it has been 17 years since I left the department. They are almost all anxiety dreams, where there is something wrong with the picture, and I'm desperately trying to make it right. I don't think I get quite the physical sensations you describe, but I sure experience the anxiety. It often stays with me after I wake up.

On another note, at Thanksgiving dinner with my cousins on Bainbridge Island, I found out that my oldest cousin, who has had a career of many jobs and trades (sort of like me) is now a full- time Metro driver. He loves the benefits (read that Health Care and Pension - how civilized!). He is near 60, so I don't know how much pension he'll earn, but he likes making the wheels on the bus go round and round. I'll have to warn him he'll dream about it forever...

Peggy Sue McRae said...

I am hereby tagging you with the Six Random Facts meme. My friend Monika tagged me. I thought it sounded like a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

To get the idea go see my post: On San Juan Island

marnieinseattle said...

I have that exact same postcard bus image saved on my computer - I love it!

Unknown said...

As another former bus driver, my usual bus driving dream usually are ones in which I'm driving a bus of people but don't know where we are going. I keep driving and driving but with no destination. That's sort of how my life was when I started driving bus as a temporary summer hire in 1978 and here over 30 years later I am still working there and at least I think I know where I'm going now!

My usual anxiety dreams are usually related to my former job of working as a waitress. I have had a very vivid dream where I am carrying a tray of food up a very steep hill with an umbrella up to keep the food dry! It's hard to balance everything and the sidewalk is very slick. No wonder I applied to be a bus driver!